Creative arts



Table of Contents

redball.gif (326 bytes)  Presidents Message 

redball.gif (326 bytes)  Mensaje del presidente

redball.gif (326 bytes) Calendar of Events

 redball.gif (326 bytes) Activities

redball.gif (326 bytes)  Our Board 

redball.gif (326 bytes) Birthdays 

redball.gif (326 bytes) Report from John Florida

redball.gif (326 bytes) Business Section  

redball.gif (326 bytes)  Guild House Library

redball.gif (326 bytes) Animal Shelter News

Presidents Message 


     Please accept our apology for the late delivery of our January’s newsletter.  We had setbacks but the main problem was the computer, it broke down and it was at the repair shop for about a week.
     I am very happy to be part of a Board of Directors, which is responsible, enthusiastic, and willing to undertake a job so that Creative Arts continue active, thank you!  Following are the names of some board members in charge of organizing some events.  If you would like to help and become part of a committee, please get in touch with them.

Pat Arenas - Theatre, such as Showtime

Alice Cornell:  Art shows and craft fair.
John Florida:  Movie Nights and Book readings.
Harriet Goff Guerrero: traditional events, such as Valentines day, 4th of July, etc.
Claude Manfre:  Music.  Recitals, concerts, etc.
Peter Settels:  Publicity, Radio, TV, posters, pamphlets  
Roxana Villamichel:  Excursions

     Harriet has already formed her committee: Pat Arenas, Claude Manfre & Barbara Velasco, and they are already working on the organization of our first event of this year, Saint Valentines, on February 17, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Gerry Guerin´s house, hope to see you there, this is the last opportunity to join Creative Arts at last year’s prices $75.00 single and $150.00 per family, don’t miss it!!  Gonzo and Barbara will be at the registration table.
      The other chairperson already working with her committee : Bob Snyder and Zoila Vera, is Alice and they are busy working on the children’s Art Fair, set for March 25th.  If you have children who would like to participate, please call Alice, Zoila  or Bob.
     Last year John Florida was kind enough to do a research to know which are the events that our members would like to have us organize, the results of such questionnaire are published on the next page. (unfortunately only 30 members returned their questionnaire)  Thank you John on such a professional work.




   Yolanda Mendizabal





Mensaje del Presidente

Deseo pedirles una disculpa por la tardanza en la entrega del boletín  del mes de enero, tuvimos contratiempos pero la principal razón fue la computadora que se descompuso y estuvo en reparación  una semana.  

     Estoy muy contenta de ser parte de una Mesa Directiva  tan responsable, entusiasta  y emprendedora, siempre dispuestos todos a ayudar para que Artes Creativas continúe activa, muchas gracias.  A continuación  los nombres de los miembros que están encargados de organizar  algunos eventos.  Les invitamos para que se comuniquen con ellos/ellas y formen parte de algún comité.


            Pat Arenas:  encargada de obras de teatro tales como Showtime.

            Alice Cornell:  Exposiciones de arte y artesanales.

            John Florida:  Presentación de películas en video.

Harriet G. Guerrero:  Los eventos tradicionales tales como San Valentín, 4 de julio, etc.,  etc.

Calude Manfre:  Conciertos, recitales, etc.

Peter Settels:  Publicidad en radio, TV, folletos y posters.

Roxana Villamichel:   Excursiones.


Por el momento Harriet  ha formado su comité:   Pat Arenas, Claude Manfre y Barbara Velasco, y ya están trabajando en la organización de nuestro primer evento de este año, el día de San Valentín, que se llevará a cabo en la casa de Gerry Guerin el 17 de febrero, a partir de la 13:00 hrs., esperamos contar con su presencia.  Esta será la última oportunidad de reinscribirse al precio del año pasado,  no se la pierdan!. Gonzo y Barbara estarán a cargo de reinscribir a los socios de siempre y nuevos también.

     Alice Cornell también ha formado su propio comité que consiste de: Bob Snyder y Zoila Vera, y también están trabajando para organizar la Feria de Arte Juvenil,  programada para el día 25 de marzo.  Los interesados en participar favor de comunicarse con alguno de ellos.

     A mediados del  año pasado John Florida hizo una encuesta para saber cuales son los eventos que más han gustado, en la próxima hoja les presentamos los resultados  de 30 miembros, que fueron los únicos que contestaron y entregaron  el cuestionario.   Muchas gracias John por elaborar un trabajo tan profesional!.


Nos vemos el 17, no lo olviden.


   Yolanda Mendizabal





Birthdays in February 

Ariadna Villasenor 3rd 
Alice Cornell 3rd
Martha Blecker 4th
Claudia Pavon  4th
Delores Shamblin  4th
Anita Aguilar   6th
Gigi Freeman  7th
Gloria Penichet   8th
Carol Hopkins 11th
Mary BelFrage   12th
Jane Gonzalez  12th
Ma Teresa Ramirez de Morfin  12th
Maria Valero  14th
Elsa Baird  14th
Olga Parlange 14th
Jorge Arizpe  20th
Robert Baird  21st
Zoila Vera Cue  23rd
David Lawrence  29th
Pat Weber  29th  





The Institute of Culture is having a "Semana de Japon en Morelos"

February 7th is a board meeting at Alice Cornell's house

February 17th ........The Valentines day/Mixer     

March 25th .......... the Creative Arts Children's art fair 

April ....... Showtime  Chaired by Pat Arenas 

May looks like Quetzalcoatl by Pancho Lane  

In December we had the Christmas Party.  and the Crafts Fair

House and Garden Tours
Sponsored by The Guild House and The Damas De Morelos

The very popular House and Garden Tours are coming up on

 Feb. 1, 8, 15 and 22 Every Friday in February

Transportation will be provided and refreshments served. 
All you have to do is be at "Our Cabaña" on Rio Mayo at the corner of Rio Lerma
in Vista Hermosa  at 10 a.m. on any of those mornings.
Reservations are advisable, at 3-17-31-07 or 3-13-18-31. 
 Price, $15 US or the equivalent in pesos.

Is a self-help Graphics exhibit from Los Angles.

It will be at the Jardin Borda the month of February.  It is an interesting exhibit of 30 different images done by 30 different painters (all of Mexican Decent) using different styles, images, and techniques. 


Our Officers 

The club seems to have gotten over the crisis of not having a president.  Yolanda is doing a sensational job. And we seem to have a very active and enthusiastic board of  Directors.  I see lots of good things starting to happen.   A list of the officers is on the main club page  I didn't see any sense in redoing it here.  

But we still need some volunteers to help design and deliver the newsletter.  This will only take a few hours once a month. Also if you have some time and would like to help with one specific event (either organize it or help someone else) please call or email Yolanda and talk to her.  We will find something for you to do.  We need a few more warm bodies.  The more people that work, the less work there is!  



                 (total 30 responses)

1.  Attendance at Creative Arts Events.

    57% on regular basis
    40% on sporadic basis
     3% hardly at all or never

2.  Opinion on Creative Arts Events

    56% consistently of high quality
    44% average quality ... some good, others less so
     0% generally of poor quality

3.  Creative Arts Events that have been attended

    90% Musical Presentations
    87% Art Exhibits
    73% Theater
    33% Film Presentations
    30% Conferences/Lectures
    27% Dance
    27% cultural Trips
    13% Poetry Readings
    13% Other (Social Gatherings, Book Readings Group meetings, Xmas party )

4.  Creative Arts Events most enjoyed

    80% Musical presentations
    73% Art Exhibits
    63% Theater
    17% Film Presentations
    17% Conferences/Lectures
    13% Dance
    10% Cultural Trips
    10% Poetry Readings
     5% Other (Social Gatherings)

5.  Creative Arts Events most desirous of attending in the future, ranked in order of preference (1 as top preference, 2, 3, etc.)

    1.8 Musical presentations
    2.2 Theater
    2.3 Art Exhibits
    3.2 Dance
    4.2 "Other"
    4.4. Cultural Trips
    4.8 Film Presentations
    4.9 Conferences/Lectures
    6.1 Poetry Readings

.  For number one event ranked above, please describe its appeal and how it could be improved in the future.

   Musical presentations

Musical Events at hacienda de Cortes have been good combination of music and convivial cheer.

 -   Might be interesting to have more local talent as long as they meet professional standards. 
-   The musical-opera, folk mixture was delightful
-   More Mexican musical presentations
-  "Showtime" events with home-grown talent have been enjoyable
-   Traditional and classic music, as any kind of music makes me happy.
-   Present new group of Jazz


- Enjoyed seeing our own members participate
- Let’s have more comedies...Things to bring a smile, light humor.
- More home-grown talent we can relate to.
- Particularly enjoyed "Love Letters", "Red Hot Lover", and other plays that were
   light, well acted, well staged &rehearsed.
- Should have at least one amateur theater event per year...There's little or nothing
   going in Mexico City.
- Play readings were delightful...involving many members...good socializers.

    Art Exhibits

- Interested in more art history, and visit to artists´ talliers.
- Members may be interested in more participating activities in the arts, such as
   painting or sculpting classes, or art appreciation trips to Mexico City.
- More art events closely lined to Mexico’s highly visual past and present.
- Would be interesting to visit leading artists studios, like recently with Rafael
   Cauduro at this home (Navy League event).
- There have been good artists and sufficient variety; let’s keep this up.

7.  Other suggestions for future events

-   Events that describe Mexico and what is happening and changing
    (lectures, movies, discussions, etc.)
-   More "getting to know you" social events where new and old members can meet.
-   More celebrations like Mother’s Day, 4th. of July,  Canada Day, (July 15th), or
     other special days.  The Xmas party is not enough, more events in people’s  homes.
-   A family crafts picnic, with junior and senior members.
  Consider Card and Games parties - could be tournaments and series of games in members homes.
  More cultural trips and tour visits to museums and leading art exhibits in Mexico City.

Respectfully submitted,

John Florida 

Business Section

We now have an online Business Section.  These local business people help support the Creative Arts with their advertisements.  Please take the time to browse through them and patronize them if you can.  

Click here to Visit the Business Section 


The CAC has lots of easels that we only use a few times a year.
 If anyone would like to rent them they are available for only 10 pesos a day. 
Call Carmen Laris  at 317 63 97, for arrangements. 


Guild House Library


What's In It For You ?


A lot! An 8,000-volume lending library including fiction, non-fiction, suspense, history, art, gardening, biography, cookbooks, a Spanish section and more. A terrific children's library. Thousands of used paperback and hardback books for sale.  Here's an idea for yourself or a  friend : a year's membership, 12 months of good reading for just l00 pesos.  New additions to the permanent collection this month are: Beast by Peter Benchley; The Sum of All Fears by Tom Clancy; We'll Meet Again  by Mary Higgins Clark; Goodbye Without Leaving by Laurie Colwin;  Mr. Wu and Mrs. Stitch by Artemis Cooper; A Plan for Women by Lawrence Naumoff; Pop Goes the Weasel by James Patterson; The Impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton by R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr.; A Borrowed Place  by Frank Welch, and many more.    

Volunteers to work one morning or afternoon a week are always welcome.


Vergel 111, Col. Chipitlan. 312-5197







Saturday, Feb. 10, from 7 to 10 p.m.
The Cuernavaca Humane Society
 will hold its Annual Benefit Bash.


 At the Antiguo Club de Golf.  Free and easy parking.  An entrance donation of $150 pesos  entitles the ticket holder to door prizes, a sit-down dinner, live music, and an evening of sociability with like-minded people.  There will be a cash bar, and many interesting items on display offered for a silent auction.  The table full of raffle prizes will be won one by one: as num-bers are drawn and called, chance holders advance to choose their prizes.  Ent-rance tickets at $150 pesos each are available now from Tip Newell, 312-9974 and Lisa Bailey, 313-9982.  As places at the dinner are limited, make up your party table soon, late comers may be out of luck!

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