The Creative Arts Center
of Cuernavaca, A.C.


Invites you to attend their February Club mixer and Valentines party 



 Saturday the 17 of February
at the house of  Gerry  Guerin
 Cuahutemoc No. 514 (near Sams Club) 

1:00 to 5 p.m.


There will be a Cash Bar
and everyone is asked to bring 
a home made botana

This event is free to members 
and its the last chance 
for both members and non members
 to join at last years prices. 
Single members only 75 peso's, 
 couples 150 peso's 


For more information call
Gerry Guerin, 
Yolanda Mendizabal  316-6688
John Florida  317-5694
Barbara Velasco  326-1943
Zola Vera CuĂ©  313-8680