Table of Contents

redball.gif (326 bytes)  Presidents Message 

redball.gif (326 bytes)  Mensaje del presidente

redball.gif (326 bytes) Calendar of Events  

 redball.gif (326 bytes) Activities

redball.gif (326 bytes)  Calendar in Printed Newsletter

redball.gif (326 bytes) Birthdays 

redball.gif (326 bytes) Business Section  

redball.gif (326 bytes)  Guild House Library

 redball.gif (326 bytes)  Childrens Art Fair 




Presidents Message 


The Creative Arts Center of Cuernavaca was founded on January 1973, and has held an extensive selection of cultural events.  This organization was formed gear to promote the fine arts.  What a better way to do so as through stimulating children who are anxious to learn more about art and to show the public their work.

It was an honor for Creative Arts to be able to exhibit the extraordinary work of 61 talented children who came from different art schools.   All of this was made possible thanks to Zoila Vera and her well-organized committee:  Alice Cornell,  Harriet G. Guerrero and Bob Snyder.  Peter Settels was in charge of publicity and did a marvelous job covering newspapers and radio.  Jane Gonzalez helped with the certificates for the participants, Jack Wagley made a ground-plan which helped to define the spaces for the expositors.  My appreciation to everyone.

A very special “thank you” to Harriet G. Guerrero for lending us the beautiful grounds of Cemanahuac and the valuable help of her employees.  The judges Miguel Angel Guerrero, Francisco Guerrero and Barbara Swartz  did a very professional job.  Unfortunately very few members came.  Last year Yvonne Leonard said something like “children are the future….) and I agree with her, children should be acknowledged.

The Children’s Art Fair was a success!

If anyone knows Judie and Jorge Guillen, please call one of the board members.  The Guillen´s became members  of CACC on February 17, and we do not have a way to contact them.

On April 28, at 7 p.m., we will be presenting at “La Batuta” music school,  “Quetzalcoatl”,  the plumed serpent, in English,  a tale of Gods, Monsters and Humans.  A solo performance by Stuart Cox, a British actor who now lives in Tepoztlan.  “Quetzalcoatl” is directed by Nigel Watson,  a Welsh  actor/director.  Hope to see many of you there, as I am sure you will enjoy the play and the place, both unique.

   Yours in the arts,


Yolanda Mendizabal

P.S.  Gonzo has arranged for us to co-sponsor a trip to Mexico City to see the Chinese Imperial Circus.   Its not a circus as we know it, no animals, and mostly acrobatics.  But, it’s a truly awesome spectacle and I hope lots of CAC members will go.  If we get a good response to this we will co-sponsor other trips to Mexico City with Cmeanahuac. 


Mensaje del Presidente



El Centro de Artes Creativas de Cuernavaca, A. C., se fundó en 1973, teniendo como objetivo principal la promoción y difusión de las bellas artes  y que mejor forma de hacerlo que con los niños y niñas interesados en el aprendizaje de la pintura y escultura, quienes nos demuestran su entusiasmo al participar y mostrar al público en general sus aptitudes a través de espacios como éste.

 En ésta Exposición de Arte Infantil y Juvenil tuvimos el honor de presentar a 61 expositores de diferentes escuelas, deleitándonos con sus obras a cual más extraordinarias.  Todo esto no habría sido posible sin la valiosa ayuda de Zoila Vera organizadora y de su comité formado por: Alice Cornell, Harriet G. Guerrero y Bob Snyder.  La publicidad estuvo a cargo de Peter Settels quien hizo un excelente trabajo.   Muchas gracias a Jane González  quien  ayudo a hacer los reconocimientos para los participantes y al  Arq.Jack Wagley quien nos hizo un plano profesional de las instalaciones y se integró al comité para ayudar en la organización de los lugares para los expositores. 

 Un agradecimiento muy, pero muy especial para Harriet G. Guerrero quien nos facilitó las bellas instalaciones del  Cemanahuac  y la ayuda de un personal muy valioso, gracias Harriet!.    Así mismo nuestro agradecimiento a los jueces, Miguel Angel Guerrero, Francisco Guerrero y Barbara Swartz, no fue fácil y lo hicieron muy profesionalmente, gracias.

 Nuestra 3ª  Feria de Arte Infantil y Juvenil fue todo un éxito!

 El 17 de febrero Judie y Jorge Guillén se inscribieron como nuevos miembros de Artes Creativas, desgraciadamente no tomamos todos los datos necesarios para contactarlos y enviarles su boletín mensual, si alguien  los conoce favor de comunicarse con alguno de los miembros de la mesa directiva.

 Por último deseo hacer de su conocimiento que el próximo día 28 de abril, a las 19:00 horas, en la escuela de música “La Batuta” , presentaremos la obra  de teatro “Quetzalcoatl” en inglés, con el actor británico Stuart Cox, es un monólogo dirigido por Nigel Watson.  Esperamos contar con su presencia pues estoy segura de que la van a disfrutar la obra y la bonita atmósfera del lugar; algo muy diferente!  Nos vemos el 28. 

 Esperamos contar nuevamente con su valiosa presencia. 


   Yolanda Mendizabal






Creative Arts will present “Quetzalcoatl,”  a one man show based on the legend of the Feathered Serpent God, on Saturday the 28th day of April at 7:00, in La Batuta.

     The play stars Stuart Cox and is directed by Nigel Wilson, who came from working with Asian communities in India to Mexico to learn about its culture, studying he myths and legends of the Gods along with other aspects of Mexican Culture. 

     Cox says he learns a new culture by absorption rather then research—talking to people, questioning, experiencing.  He finds Aztec poetry extremely useful for entering the minds of the Nahuatl speaking people and appreciating the significance of love, the sun, flowers and the other important symbols.

     Both Watson and Cox are sticklers for detail, especially in recreating items such as the mask of Quetzalcoatl, which was made by Guatemalan sculptor Edgar Guzman, who based it on sculptures in the God’s various pyramids. 
     “Accordin to legend, Quetzalcoatl ends his life by setting himself on fire, “said Cox.  “What triggers this tragedy is that the God forgets about his mortality” 

     Note there are only 150 seats,.   So be sure to get your tickets early so as not to be disappointed.  Call any board member for reservations.



Children's Art Fair 

The 3rd annual Children's Art Fair was held at the Cemanhuac Community Education Center, on Sunday March 25th, and was a resounding success.  The biggest ever,  61 budding artists from 21 local schools were on hand to display their art work. Hundreds of people, CAC members, parents,  art lovers and teachers strolled through the beautiful school grounds admiring the art work. 
     The show was so successful the CAC was asked by the Jardin Borda to put on another show there in June. 
     I am not an artist but I have to say that I really enjoyed walking through the exhibits and talking to the artists.  Almost all the artists attend private school and are accomplished at speaking English.  Most spoke English much better then I speak Spanish.  On this page are a few pictures of the show.  If you have a computer please check out the web site for some pictures of the pictures.

Health Tip II

Do you wake up 2 or 3 times a night and have to go to the bathroom?  Try drinking a glass of Cranberry juice.  You might just have a mild urinary infection.  The cranberry juice will clear it  You can purchase the juice at Aurrura or Sams Club.  What I like to do is mix it half and half with either Apple or Grape juice.  Makes a nice drink that is not to sweet not to tart.  



      Let Quetzalcoatl introduce you to a host of Mexican gods, not least Quetzalcoatl himself, the plumed serpent at the heart of ancient Mexico. Quetzalcoatl who fought with his twin brother to make a world for we humans to live in, who created us, brought us food, intoxicating drink and music and song. And is Quetzalcoatl also Topiltzin, a Priest-King of the Toltecs, ushering in a Mexican golden age? A golden age that exists until, mirroring the battle of the god's themselves,  the sorcerers of Quetzalcoatl's twin brother, Tezcatlipoca, work their dark magic to bring about Topiltzin's downfall and force him to face his own mortality. 

From comedy to tragedy, Quetzalcoatl is an epic theatrical journey through the mythic landscape of Mexico, using translations of pre-Hispanic Nahuatl poetry, masks, movement, song and a rich spoken text. Experience
Quetzalcoatl and believe in the magic of Mexico where this production was written, rehearsed and first performed. be entertained, fascinated and moved by a theatrical revelation of this fantastical encounter with gods, monsters and a man who would be a god.

 Quetzalcoatl is a solo performance by Stuart Cox, a British actor who now lives in Tepoztlan, a small town in the mountains of central Mexico, close by Amatlan, the legendary birthplace of Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl, a culture hero of Mexico.

Stuart Cox brings to Quetzalcoatl his experience as an actor and theatre director of thirty years. He is the artistic director of Celebrating Cultures, dedicated to working with different cultural traditions in support of cultural diversity.

 Quetzalcoatl is directed by Nigel Watson, a veteran Welsh actor/director of  the European experimental theatre movement who has also worked in Iceland, Israel, Czechoslovakia, India, the former Soviet Republic of Georgia and Mexico. He adapted and wrote Quetzalcoatl along with Stuart Cox. It is the latest of many successful collaborations between them.




Chinese Imperial Circus

The Chinese circus is a favorite art form among the Asian people. It has a long history with a distinct national style, evolving from the Chinese peoples everyday life and working experience. Hence, the evolution to this edition of the IMPERIAL CIRCUS of CHINA.  The Chinese Circus is totally different from a traditional US or Mexican Circus.  There are no animals, except of course for the faux Lions. 

     The Chinese circus tradition finds its beginnings more than two thousand years ago in the period of the Warring States. Chinese artists, acrobats and contortionists are clearly recognized in ancient artifacts as early as the Qin and Han dynasties (221 B.C. - 220 A.D.). Historical records, ancient relics, relief carvings on tombs, stone and brick, murals in temples and grottoes and decorative patterns on utensils show the modern historian that for centuries audiences have been fascinated by the dazzling performances of Chinese artists, acrobatics and circus.

     Although many kinds of acrobatic acts were in existence during the Ch'in Dynasty (255-207 B.C.), it was the Han Dynasty that saw the art form reach new heights and become a popular form of entertainment. Most troupes were formed along family lines and developed skills and routines, which,  with some alterations, are still performed today. Known as the "Pai Hsi" or the "Hundred Acts", during this period the circus evolved into a lengthy show consisting of a wide variety of tumbling, juggling and magic acts. Zh`ang Heng, a great man of letters in the Eastern Han Dynasty, recorded in one of his writings, "The Western Capital Fu" many exciting acrobatic acts and magic tricks. They included "Balancing on a High Pole", "Jumping Through Hoops", "Hand Feats" and "Rope Walking" to name a few. Modern Chinese circus, however sophisticated it may appear, was created and performed by the ancient Chinese acrobats.
      These acrobats were court favorites throughout the Northern Wei Period (386 - 534), into the Sung Dynasty (960 - 1279), as discovered in Bas relief's, books and paintings from these eras. During the Sung Dynasty, the art of acrobatics was practiced by Taoist metaphysicians in an effort to perfect their physical skill and mental concentration.
     In 1949, The Peoples Republic of China began to fund Chinese circus acts. Troupes then had hopes of revitalizing an ancient and prized art form. Guided by the principle of "Letting a Hundred Flowers Blossom" and "Weeding Through the Old to Bring Forth the New", Chinese circus has re-emerged as a popular art form. A large number of new programs have been created, collated and transplanted. As musical accompaniment, costumes. props and lighting have improved, Chinese circus has developed into a comprehensive form of stage art, so magnificently illustrated by the IMPERIAL CIRCUS.
     The IMPERIAL CIRCUS, considered the best of all Chinese circuses, has played an important role in cultural exchanges between China and other nations. Over the past thirty five years, Chinese circus troupes have toured many regions and countries throughout the world. Their excellent performances have been warmly welcomed and highly appreciated by audiences across the globe.

CAC together with the Cemanahuac Educational Community are offering you the chance to attend this outstanding show.   Wednesday April 11.  The trip will leave the Cemanahuac Educational Community at 14:00 using one of their buses.  Cost will be 450 pesos, which will include transportation and the ticket.   Call the school at 314-2988 to make reservations. 



Interesting Dates in May

Sunday  the 13th is Mothers Day in US
Creative Arts will have a dinner for Moms and Everyone else Details next Newsletter 
 Sunday Sunday the  20th 12:30 hrs
Hacienda de Cortés, Atlacomulco   
Monday 28th
  is  Memorial Day in US


Board of Directors Meeting

The Board of Directors meeting will be on April 4th   at 6:30  in the evening at John Florida’s house.  If you need directions please call the Florida’s 317-5694 or 311-7141.


 We accidentally left out Irene Wagley’s birthday last month  My apologies.

Help !!!

  We more information, articles and what have you.  In the past three months only one person has submitted an article to be published in the newsletter and then they called back the next day and said please, please don’t print it.  

I need some help… Please write an article about anything.. Places you have been, things you have seen.   Anything you think might be of interest to the others.




  April Birthdays!!


Josefina  Dries 2nd
Grita  Elson  4th
Barbara Velasco  7th
Charles Wick 13th
Peter  Morse  16th
Maarten  Sleeswijk  17th

Erie Vockeroth  21st
Sandy Jennings  23rd
Elsa Braaten  24th
Allen   Elson  26th


CAC Events 

Wednesday Wednesday Saturday


April  4th
April 11th 
April 28th

May 13th

Board of Directors meeting
Trip to Mexico City to see the Chinese Imperial Circus 
Play.... Quetzalcoatl  at La Batuta 

Dinner Social Get together Site to be announced



Calendar II

This is a copy of the Calendar that was in the printed Newsletter  This is what I thought was interesting and what I could squeeze unto two printed pages, from the Cartera (Calendar) from the Institute de Cultura.  

I know this is confusing all these calendars but remember the EagleKnights Calendar and if you want to see the entire Cartera   (Calendar from the Cultura Institute). 


d o m i n g o   0 1 

El tren de la vida Dir. Radu Mihaileanu Bélgica-Francia, 1998
16:00, 18:30 y 21:00 hrs. Cine Morelos Cooperación general $15.00

l u n e s   0 2    

Casi nada  Dir. Sergio Rezende  Brasil, 2000
16:00, 18:30 y 21:00 hrs. Cine Morelos Cooperación general $15.00

m a r t e s   0 3 

Entre amigos Judith Alejandra y su Cuarteto de Jazz Latino 19:00 hrs.
Sala Manuel M. Ponce, Jardín Borda Cooperación general $50.00
Estudiantes, maestros, empleados públicos, Causa Joven e Insen $30.00

m i é r c o l e s   0 4 
La cena Dir. Ettore Scola  Italia, 1998
16:00, 18:30 y 21:00 hrs.  Cine Morelos Cooperación general $15.00

j u e v e s   0 5 
CINE  The English Patient
Dir. Anthony Minguella E.U.A., 1997 17:00 hrs.
Museo Regional Cuauhnáhuac En coordinación con el ICM y el ISSSTE

v i e r n e s   0 6 

Chuchumbé  Son Jarocho  18:00 hrs.
Jardín Juárez, Puente de Ixtla
The Clarinet Trio
Integrantes: Jurgen Kupke, Gebhard Ullmann y Theo Nabicht
Invitados de Alemania 19:00 hrs. Plaza Centenario, Jiutepec

s á b a d o   0 7 

Dos franceses recorren la república mexicana con dos pianos Steinway de gran concierto Concierto a dos pianos Dúo KW Clara Kastler y Hubert Woringer, pianistas 20:00 hrs. Teatro Ocampo Cooperación general $100.00

PRESENTACIÓN DEL VIDEO DOCUMENTAL Also playing on the 6-7-8  and 20-21-22
Los últimos zapatistas, héroes olvidados de Francesco Taboada Tabone
Producción: Manuel Peñafiel Diseño de Arte: Sarah Perrig
Duración: 70 min. 18:00 hrs. Sala Gabriel Figueroa, Cine Morelos
Cooperación general $10.00

l u n e s   0 9 
Banda "Coraza" de Ocotepec De 18:00 a 21:30 hrs.
Atrio de la iglesia Mayordomía del barrio de Colhuacan
Ocotepec, Cuernavaca Entrada libre

m i é r c o l e s   1 1
Mexico City   National Auditorium
Imperial Chinese Circus
Leave from Cemanahuac at 3:00

j u e v e s   1 9 

CICLO: ROCK, JAZZ Y ALGO MÁS La Perra y Bazooko en concierto
La Perra: Elena, bajo y Perico, batería Bazooko: Elías Peralta, batería y voz;
Fernando López G lvez, guitarra; Fernando López Benítez, voz y Noel Gallegos, bajo 20:00 hrs. Teatro Ocampo Cooperación general $40.00

S A T U R D A Y   2 8 
Creative Arts Center Presents the Play 
Quetzalcoatl  7:00

at La Batuta Music School 

d o m i n g o  2 9   
Concierto del Día del Niño Orquesta Pro-Arte de Morelos
Dir. Emilio Palacios Programa: Mozart, Debussy y Gabilondo Soler
13:00 hrs. Sala Manuel M. Ponce, Jardín Borda Cooperación general $40.00

Doña Zenaida  Ópera en un acto de René Torres
Becario en la categoría Apoyo a la Producción Artística del Fondo Estatal para la Cultura y las Artes de Morelos 2000-2001 Dirección: Stuart Cox
Dir. Orquesta Solistas de Morelos: Carlos Ariel Gracia
Gabriela Tierrhy, mezzosoprano; Eleazar Robles, tenor; Ricardo Santin, bajo.
18:00 hrs.Teatro Ocampo Cooperación general $60.00

l u n e s  3 0 
Lotería de animales mexicanos Concierto y juego didáctico de música tradicional
Grupo Jaranero 10:00 hrs. Teatro Ocampo Adultos $10.00


Exhibitions & Musiums

 J a r d í n   B o r d a

EXPOSICIÓN  Siempre mujeres
Homenaje a Julia Giménez Cacho y Elvira Gascón
Participan: Julia Giménez Cacho+, Jody Mc Grath, Joy Laville, Elvira Gascón, Mariángeles Méndez, Elisa Cano, Cristina Martínez del Campo, Iliana Fuentes, Alicia Contreras, Ercilia Cepeda, Christina del Valle y Elvira Fernández
hasta el domingo 22 de abril De 10:00 a 17:30 hrs. de martes a domingo
Entrada general $10.00 Niños $5.00

C e n t r o   M o r e l e n s e d e   l a s   A r t e s

Todos los sábados desde el 17 de marzo hasta el 8 de septiembre, de 9:00 a 16:00 hrs. Duración: 24 módulos Cuota de recuperación $3,000.00
Cuota por módulo $250.00 Informes: (017) 3 18 10 44, 3 18 91 92 ext. 254
Del 27 al 29 de abril Viernes de 17:00 a 21:00,
sábado de 10:00 a 14:00 y de 17:00 a 20:00 y domingo de 10:00 a 14:00 hrs.
Taller de prácticas corales del Curso B sico de Dirección Coral: lunes y mi‚rcoles de 19:00 a 20:30 hrs. Cuota de recuperación $1,250.00 por semestre
Mayores informes: (017) 3 18 10 44, 3 18 91 92 Ext. 249
Cooperación general $3.00

C i n e   M o r e l o s

Denuncia doméstica Pintura de Ricardo Alonso
hasta el domingo 15 de abril De 12:00 a 20:00 hrs.
De martes a domingo Galería Ánima Löte: espacio alternativo
Entrada libre


M u s e o   R e g i o n a l  C u a u h n á h u a c

PIEZA DEL MES  -  Altar de Dolores: La Dolorosa, óleo sobre tela firmado por Peralta Pinx, 1749 y objetos rituales Vestíbulo del Museo
Tinaja con incrustaciones Telixtac
FOTOGRAFÍA DEL MES Manuel Peñafiel Los pies del soldado
Marcelino Anrrubio 1999 Proceso cromógeno
Próximamente: Exposición "Habitantes de las nubes: arte funerario zapoteca"
Hueyapan, tejedores de tradición Coatetelco
De lunes a viernes De 11:00 a 13:00 hrs. Sala de proyecciones

M u s e o  B r a d y

VISITAS GUIADAS De 10:00 a 18:00 hrs.
Calle Netzahualcóyotl Previa cita


Del cielo a la tierra, cosmovisión indígena
hasta junio del 2001 Museo Nacional de Culturas Populares
Av. Hidalgo No. 289 Col. Del Carmen
Coyoacán, México, D.F.



Computer Notes:

If you are not on our mailing list, and would like to be on it  please send me an Email  I send out 2 or 3 emails each month updating the local calendar of events and anything else important that comes up.  Make sure you check out the new web pages for the Childrens Art Fair.   

And we all seem to have computer problems once in a while.  I know I have had my share the past month.  I would like to recommend a friend of mine Bruce Stokes he does  computer repair & trouble shooting, program installation & configuring, internet connections, consulting & instruction.  He will come to your house and help you with any computer problems.  You can reach him at  318-2204. 


Business Section

We now have an online Business Section.  These local business people help support the Creative Arts with their advertisements.  Please take the time to browse through them and patronize them if you can.  

Click here to Visit the Business Section 


  The CAC has lots of easels that we only use a few times a year.
  If anyone would like to rent them they are available for only 10 pesos a day.  
  Call Carmen Laris   at 317 63 97, for arrangements. 



Guild House Library

We're packing in preparation for our move to Minerva 1, Colonia Las Delicias.  By the time you read this, we'll be in transit.  We're waiting for renovations to get done in the new place, which will include the Guild Shop and Larder. So, it's impossible to give you a fixed date for our reopening.

If you want to know when we'll open again, please call

 Jane Jackter  316-2682 or Bob or Erie Vokeroth at 317-1741.

Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 28, the date of the Shop's big sale of merchandise that won't be taken to the new place.  See you there soon....before next month's Newsletter, if all goes well!

The Guild House Library
Vergel 111, Col. Chipitlan. 312-5197


Thats all folks !!